8 p.m. March 31st 2016

I've just spent the best 2 days of my life! It was fascinating omg!!

You might ask yourself were I was to be that excited ahah, I've swam a river and I've met Aborigines!

We took the road yesterday about 8 a.m. to go to Katherine. This is a town which is 320 kilometres southeast of Darwin, the weather is wet but also hot. The Katherine River flows through the township and it is the fouth largest town in the Northern Territory.

The Nitmiluk National Park

The Nitmiluk National Park

We went to the Nitmiluk National Park, this is a huge park owned by the Jawoyn Aboriginal people, there are some fascinating landscapes!

We did a boat tour, that was cool but we didn't see any animals. And then we relaxed and swam in the Katherine River.

The organizers of the trip surprised us by letting us camp in the Park with the Aboriginals! They showed us their artworks and taught us their methode. They paint on canvas geometrical formes to represents things like rain, human, animal etc.. It was very interesting since I'm a fan of art

DAY 3 & 4

This morning we took our breakfast with the Aboriginals, we ate toasted native bread with honey and an emu egg (the emu is a bird which looks like the ostrich), the tast was special but since I'm an open-minded person I love to discover new customs.

Then we hardly left these lovelies and touching persons to do an helicopter ride! It wasn't a long ride but it still unforgetable!

The view from the helicopter is breathtaking!

The view from the helicopter is breathtaking!

After these 2 amazing days with get back to the hotel of Darwin.

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